Police Jury President Kirby Roy released a list of projects completed or in progress for the week ending April 3: Cold Mix; Pot hole repair. Dist 9; Big Bend road, Big Jr. Crossing, Old Hwy 1, West Bernard road, N. Wayside road, S. Wayside road, Frances Smith road, Leroy Joseph road, W. Yellow Bayou road, S. Live Oak, Green Acres, Gauthier Subdivision road, Johnny Gibson, Crockett Bayou, N. Wayside road, S. Wayside road, W. Bernard road, Leory Joseph road, Johnny Gipson, Crockett Bayou, S. Live Oak, E. Yellow Bayou road, Spring Bayou Rd (Goudeau), Dist 1; Cassandra road, Oakwood road, Hayes Cemetery road, Kelly Deloach, Ball Park road, Scrogg's road, Woodson road, Sayes road, Yank road, Chauffpied Elmer road, M. Cole road, W. Bryant road, Starlight Baptist Church road, Yank road, Community Center road, Gaspard/Laborde, Louie Harmson, Fort de Russey, E Bryant road, Saline road, Vick road, Coles Island road, Dist 2; Dewey Bernard, Guibeau Subdivision lane, Cardinal Loop, Roy's lane, Eustis lane, Ed Carroll road, Ducote's road, Schexnyder road, Choctaw Bayou, Moses lane, Cardinal Loop, Clemile Dauzat, Business Loop road, John Dauzat, Guillot/Lemoine, Elie Dauzat road, Piney Ridge road, Elie Dauzat road, Island road, Old Cemetery road, Little California road, JV Coco, Cajun Lane, Bordelon road, Normand road, Poret road, Steven Drive, Large road, Dist 3; Spring Bayou road, Anthony Grundy, Martin Lacombe road, Magnolia road, Collin Mayeaux, Bettevy road, Prairie Bono lane, Dauzat road, Wheeler road, Spring Bayou road, Robert Edwards road, Fort De Russey, Laura's lane, Una Mayeaux, Marvin Graham, Bill Belt road, Beauregard Landry road, Hospital road, Gum ridge, Dist 4; Williams Street, Dr T Doo road, Bowling Alley road, Day's lane, Pink's lane, Morris Street, Zion road, Prairie Heights, ElderWood road, Dist 5; Mayeux road, Gum Bridge, St Richard Loop, Martin Luther King, Milton lane, Dorsey road, Isaac Brouillette, Kim Rush road, Gum Ridge road, Tricia Park, Louis Foster, Pete Wilke's, Faith Mission, Martin Luther King road, Dist 7; Airport road, Vickville road, Normand road, Spring Bayou road, Dist 8; Christoffel road, Michel Laborde road, Deshotel lane, Zoule lane, Pink’s lane, POT PATCHER; Running one Patcher. Dist 8; JB Luke road, Shirley Plantation road, Dist 6; Clyde Smith road, Luke Martin, Bayou du Lac , Dist 7; Lemoine lane, Voorhies lane, Choupique road, N. Bayou DeGlaises road, Schexnyder road, Choupique road, Coco road, Bordelonville lane, Dist 8; Bordibis road, Armand Thevenot road, CrackVille road, Bergeron road, Stubblefield road, Lurry Normand road, Mailbox road, Townsend road, Overbey road, Palermo road, Joe Lapoma road, Tony Baronne road, Bear Corner road, Dist 9; E Yellow Bayou, Crockett Bayou, W. Bernard road, Johnny Gibson, S Live Oak, Green Acres, Leroy Joseph road, Francis Smith road, E Yellow Bayou, Big Bend road, Dist 1; Vick road, Beaubuef Normand, WHITEGOODS/ Tires Solid Waste; White Goods; We hauled 75 loads to salvage yard in 2020. 32 loads hauled in 2021. We have hauled 3 loads in 2022 We hauled 0 loads this past week. Tire hauling; We hauled 5,057 tires to recycling plant in 2018. We hauled 11,187 tires to recycling plant in 2019. We hauled 4,068 tires to recycling plant in 2020. Pile of tires from past years were finally cleaned up. We hauled 2831 tires to recycling plant in 2021. We hauled 1,067 tires to recycling plant in 2022 Tires hauled to Scott this past week 0 Trash; The increase in People bring trash to our yard has sharply increase. Pile is increasing. Progressive Waste is shorthanded due to Covid virus. DRAINAGE; We are pulling tires through all culverts on roads as we dig the ditches. Working out very well. Dist 8; Removed (2) large beaver dams on Turner canal in Bunkie, La. Dist 2; Little Corner Rd - pulled tires through 5 culverts, digging ditches, and replaced mailbox damaged by operator Dist 2; Clonel Kelone - unclogged culvert, cleaned debris from road, piled debris from ditches alongside the road, opened drainage Dist 5; Martin Luther King Rd - pulled tires through culverts Dist 2; Business Loop road, cleaned cross culvert and ditches to drain. Dist 9; Pete Laborde - beaver dam removal inside of culvert and install metal grate on both ends of culvert Dist 4; Phillip Gremillion - Large hole repairs @ bus turnaround, shoulder repairs, cleaned ditches, opened drainage, 12 yards of Rip Rap, 16 yards 6/10 Limestone unclogged 3 culverts, and repaired large ruts @ the edge of the road. Dist 7; Spring Bayou Rd - 36"X26' corrugated culvert installed Dist 2; Little Corner Rd - drainage work and (1) load hauled back to the yard Dist 4; Boutie Bayou; repaired washout over cross culvert Dist 1; Gin Rd - washout repairs, cut water drains, road repairs, and remove debris piles from edge of road that was restricting water flow Dist 6; Robin's Ln - washout repairs @ cross drain intersection and extended exsisting culvert by 8' Dist 2; Large Rd- (1) inside of culvert, (1) behind Ray Poret's and (2) in the canal downstream from the clogged culvert Dist 8; Tony Baronne Rd - removed (2) large dams Dist 8; Deshotel Ln - cleaned culvert Dist 3; Little River road, removed beaver dams, cleaned cross culvert Dist 1; Coles Island Rd - 12 haul off debris and trash, and unclogged 2 cross drains Dist 1; 107/115 Cutoff - removed/replaced culvert and cleaned drainage ditches Dist 1; W. Bryant Rd - cleaned clogged culverts and removed debris piles in ditches Dist 1; Carlos Tyler - removed debris piles in ditches Dist 9; Pete Laborde Rd - removed debris from in front of metal grating @ cross drain and reinforced grating on upstream end Dist 8; Goux Rd - culvert installed Dist 5; Pete Wilke's Rd - unclogged culvert and removed debris in canal Dist 8; Hwy 71-S Bunkie Beaver Dam - remove one under railroad train trestle Dist 5; Kim Rush Rd - culvert extension, installed 32"X 3' concrete culvert Dist 1; AB Porter and Willie Clark, cleaned out flow ditches. Debris form logging operations. Cleaning culverts during rainy weather Dist 6; Rabbit lane, Robin's lane, BayHill Church road, Slaughterhouse road, Lyles lane, Clyde Smith road, Dist 7; Vickville road, Spring Bayou road, Dist 2; Bordelon road, Dist 3; Martin Lacombe road, Magnolia road, Collins Mayeaux, Bettevy road, Prairie Bono lane, Dauzat road, Wheeler road, Fort De Russey road, Laura's lane, Marvin Graham, Una/Mayeaux, Gum Ridge road, Anthony Grundy, Robert Edwards, Dist 8; Bear Corner road, Palermo road, Tony Barone road, Shirley Plantation road, Goux road, Dist 1; E. Bryant road DEBRIS TRUCK and Excavators Dist 7; H. Juneau Crossing - picked up old bridge timbers Dist 2; German Bayou road, removed debris from ditches Dist 2; Benny's lane, removed debris piles in ditches Dist 2; Lymon Ln - debris/ limbs removed from ditches and roadway Dist 4; Bowling Alley Rd - tree call Dist 2; Clionel Kelone - picked up piles of debris from ditches (1) load Dist 2; Benny's Ln - picked up piles of debris from ditches (1) load Dist 2; Bordelon Rd - (12:30 - 3:30 am) call out Dist 2; Bordelon Rd - tree debris, and limbs in ditches (1) load Dist 3; Prairie Bono Ln - tree call (1) 26yd load Dist 4; Boutie Bayou; removed debris in canal Dist 5; Bonnette road; removed 4 trees across roadway. Dist 1; Coles Island; removed large trees across roadway. 58 yards of debris removed. Dist 1; Hayes Cem road; removed tree in roadway Dist 1; 107/115 cutoff, removed branches in roadway. Dist 1; Ball Park road; removed branches in roadway 12 yards. Dist 7; English road; removed large tree in roadway. Dist 8; Joe Lapoma road; removed branches in roadway. Dist 7CocoVille road removed large metal cage in the middle of the road, blocking traffic. (Road Hazard) Dist 1; Vick road, removed limbs from roadway Dist 1; Woodson road, removed tree from roadway Dist 9; Beaurguard - Lemoine - (4) trees and mattress Dist 6; Luke Martin road, removed trash thrown in ditch, cleaning drainage Dist 2; Dewey Bernard, removed white goods and trash Dist 4; Day lane, removed branches and trash from ditches Dist 8; Crackville road, removed tree from roadway Dist 7; Airport Rd - Tree call Dist 9; Spring Bayou (Goudeau) - Tree call Dist 1; Tree removal on Effie walking track Dist 8; Bayou Rouge, Tree call SIDECUTTER Dist 8; E. Stubblefield road LOW HANGING LIMBS: Cut and removed low hanging limbs on the following roads GRADING AND GRAVEL/ROAD AGGREGATE; Dist 2; German Bayou Crossing, 12 yards of 6/10 Limestone Dist 1; Ball Park road 20 yards of 57 Limestone Dist 7; Lee Chatelain 10 yards of 57 Limestone Dist 7; Boggy Bayou road 12 yards of 6/10 Limestone Dist 1; Cassandra road 20 yards of 57 Limestone Dist 5; Little California road 12 yards of 57 Limestone Dist 1; Bullard road 16 yards57 Limestone Dist 1; A B Porter road 20 yards of 2" Limestone Dist 8; Michel Laborde road 10 yards of 57 Limestone Dist 4; Phillip Gremillion road, 16 yards 6/10 limestone Dist 1; Gin road, 10 yards of 2" Limestone, 12 yards 6” limestone, 12 yards 6/10 limestone. Dist 9; Hamburg road, 16 yards of 57 Limestone Dist 1; McKay road, 8 yards of 57 Limestone Dist 1; A McDowell road, 8 yards of 57 Limestone Dist 1; Deshotel Ln - (1) 5 yd load of 610 for pot holes Dist 1; Willie Clark road, 10 yards of 57 Limestone Dist 1; Carlos Tyler road, 10 yards of 57 Limestone Dist 9; Devillier road, 10 yards 57 limestone Dist 8; E Stubblefield road, 12 yards pit run. Repaired road wash out. Dist 4; Boutie Bayou road, 12 yards 6/10 limestone Dist 3; Little River road, 16 yards 6/10 limestone Dist 1; Ruby CenterPoint road, 12 yards 6/10 limestone Misc. Work; New Yard work; Building new parking areas for vehicles, equipment. Cleaning up around shops and yards during bad weather. Building new rock bins for aggregate. Spring Bayou Rd; work has begun on the portion belonging to WLF. New asphalt road being built to the Boggy Bayou landing. Beaver Trappers; One trapper working. Trapping in Hessmer, Belledeau. Capital Outlay work Phase 11 Completed Following Roads completed. S. Live Oak, from city limits south. Barron Lane, from James Clark going north. Catfish Kitchen, middle section. Additional work on Catfish Kitchen completed. Clemile Dauzat, from Hwy 1194 going south. Bill Belt Road, from Hwy 1192 going east. Phase III; Work completed. Issac Brouillette; 4,000 lf from Hwy 452, Completed Rabbit Lane; 4,000 lf from Evergreen. Completed, Clemile Dauzat; completed section started in Phase 2. Zion road; completed section started in Phase 2. BRIDGES; Dist 2; German Bayou; new bridge construction under way. New bridge completed. Road work underway. Dist 5; Little California Bridge, changed 5 deck boards and railings. Dist 7; H Juneau, replacing deck boards New bridges getting built; Dist 8; Carl Hunt bridge; Bridge completed and opened to traffic. Dist 9; Leo Morrow Bridge. Bridge completed and open to traffic. New Bridge construction projects to be let soon; Faith Baptist; Construction areas have been staked out. We are currently in the process of contacting all landowners for servitude approvals. Right of ways have not been granted. Carbon Plant; All paperwork completed. Bridge ready to bid in October. New federal program money allocated for the following bridges. I am helping DOTD contact landowners. DOTD is 90% complete with paperwork. Bridges have completed design phase and are waiting on environmental clearance. Guillot Road; Working on Servitudes with DOTD. Owners said they will sign. Final plan review 9/21. Bridge ready to bid in June Pat Laborde; Working on Servitudes with DOTD. Owner indicated he will sign. Final plan review 9/21. Bridge ready to bid in June Oak Hall; Working on Servitudes with DOTD. One owner will sign. Unable to contact 2nd landowner so far. Final Plan review 9/21. Bridge ready to bid in June Beaubouf; Working on Servitudes with DOTD. Owners said they will sign. Final plan review 9/21. Bridge ready to bid in June New Solid waste Yard; Work going well. We invite all to come look at our progress. Please call before coming. Major repairs; I-Komatsu 39 dozer has Hyd. Problems. Mechanic working on it. Getting quotes for repairs. Machine still running. 2- Komatsu 65 dozer. Will not move. Floyd has done all he can to find problem. Dealer has been contacted to come out and diagnose problem. Repairs will be more than machine is worth. 3-Int. 12 yard dump. Hyd cylinder and water pump repairs underway. 4-Ford f-150 pickup. 2002 model, down with major engine problems. Truck is not worth fixing. Will need to be replaced. 5- Ford 350 work truck. Repairs in progress on Oil cooler. Repairs completed. 6-White Goods truck, Engine electrical problems. Waiting on electrical parts. 7- 5 yards dump truck, Trans problems. Waiting on mechanic. 8- John Deere grader, Mechanic working on electrical problems. 9- F-250, Changing radiator. 10- F-250, down for couple days. Front end alignment. 11- Pot Patcher truck, Electrical problems. Mechanic working on it. Using other truck. 12-Ford flat bed, Front hub worn out, waiting on parts. Road District 2 Round 4 road projects; Big Bend, N Bayou de Glaise, Voorhies, Portions of the roads to be Chip Sealed. Project completed. Round 5 projects; Completed Roads included in the project were; Pecan Grove Sub. Rehabilitation. A section of N Bayou de Glaise. A section of Big Bend road. Couvillion Street in Moreauville to Sybls Crossing, Backstep Road with drainage improvements. Sections of Union and Clark streets in Simmesport. Additional work added. Charmin St, Alley Bordelon Crossing, H Juneau crossing (bridge to Hwy 451), and Nicrotia crossing. Completed. Round 6 projects: Completed North Bayou de Glaise from Sybil’s crossing to Don’s crossing, Charles Drive in Simmesport, William Guillory road. .66 miles of Francis Smith road, Alfred Drive, Raising new aggregate on Bordelonville lane, Round 7 projects; Bid accepted. Contracts to be signed shortly. Road side ditch cleaning completed on Levi Gremillion, Brassette lane and partially on Beauragard Lemoine. Remainder of projects to be completed in next 90 days. Levi Gremillion Rd; 30 yards 2” limestone. Leo Morrow; 12 yards 2” limestone S and B cutoff; 72 yards #57 limestone. Bayou Nat road; 18 yards #57 limestone. 36 yards 2” limestone installed Mayberry-24 yards 4” Limestone Beauragard Lemoine Rd. 68 yards limestone installed. William Guillory Rd. 28 yards limestone installed. Lucky 13 Rd. 42 yards Limestone installed. Woodside Plantation Rd. 28 yards limestone installed. Old River Point Rd; 42 yards Limestone installed. Big Bend rd. 24 yards limestone installed. Levi GremillionRd. 18 yards 2” limestone Bayou Nat. Rd. 18 yards 2” limestone William Guillory Rd. 36 yards 57 limestone, Levi Gremillion Rd; 120 yards pit Run. Point Rd; 18 yards 2” limestone
105 N Main St Marksville, LA 71351 (318) 253-9247
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